Damien Gonot
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Files are .org.

Start with a specific header containing metadata: #+title: this is a title #+description: this is a description

Historically uppercase (#+TITLE:) but can be lowercase since 2018. Common metadata: title, description, author, date…


https://orgmode.org/manual/Markup-for-Rich-Contents.html Contrary to Markdown, spec for markup is clear 🙏.

bold, italic, underlined, verbatim, code, strike-through


At the root of the document (no indent), number of * represent the level of heading.

** Level 2

* Level 3


Move to next header (same level): g j/k

Insert a new header (same level): C-RET (Control - Enter) Insert a new header after subtree: M-RET (Alt - Enter)

Promote a header: M-h or TAB (INSERT mode) Demote a header: M-l or S-TAB (INSERT mode)

Move header up: M-k, Move header down: M-j

Move element only: M-J/K


TAB to fold/unfold S-TAB fold/unfold entire document

z c fold (close) z o unfold (open) z M fold entire document z R unfold entire document


can also use + instead of -

  1. Ordered list
  2. Ordered list


Standard empty checkbox: - [ ]

Doom Emacs: RET to toggle between unchecked ([ ]), in progress ([-]) and checked ([X])

Doom Emacs: SPC m x to toggle between unchecked and checked

Standard Emacs: C-c C-c to toggle between unchecked and checked

Create new checkbox below: C-RET

In header containing checkboxes: [/] to start a tally of tasks done, or [%] for the same thing with percentages




Insert: SPC m l l

Open: C-c C-o, Doom: RET Go back to previous position: C-c &, Evil: C-o

Toggle to see links in "plaintext": SPC m l t


Start typing and insert pipes | for separator

Insert line: SPC m b -

Move row up/down: M-k/j Move column right/left: M-l/h

Convert selection to table: C-c | or SPC m b c


https://orgmode.org/org.html#Tables https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-spreadsheet-intro.html

Field Reference

Traditional spreadsheet A1 system can be used, but Emacs' equivalent of the R1C1 system is preferred: @ROW$COLUMN

Column Reference

Column reference can be absolute: $1, $2, $N… Or relative to the column of the field which is being computed: $+1, $-2 $< refers to the first column, $> to the last, $>>> third column from the right…

Row Reference

Only data lines are counted, horizontal separator lines (hlines) are ignored. Like with columns, you can use absolute: @1, @2, @N… Relative to computed field: @+1, @-3 Relative to table structure: @< first line, @> last line Relative to hlines: @I first hline, @II second hline, @-I hline above, @+I hline below


$0 & @0 refers the current column / row if omitted, current row/column is implied

Examples: @2$3: 2nd row, 3rd column (same as 'C2') $5: column 5 in the current row (same as 'E&') @2: current column, row 2 @-1$-3: field one row up, three columns to the left @-I$2: field just under hline above current row, column 2 @>$5: field in the last row, in column 5

Range Reference

You may reference a range by connecting two field references with two dots: .. The ends are included in the range

Examples: $1..$3: first three fields in the current row $P..$Q: range, using column names (see Advanced features) $<<<..$>>: start in third column, continue to the last but one @2$1..@4$3: nine fields between these two fields (same as 'A2..C4') @-1$-2..@-1: 3 fields in the row above, starting from 2 columns on the left @I..II: between first and second hline, short for '@I..@II'


Constants can be defined for a specific table with a line above the table:

ab (a*x)

and used be preceding the name by a $

Constants need to be evaluated by running C-c C-c on the line beforehand


Type a formula directly in a cell by preceding it with := In Doom Emacs, use TAB to apply the formula, RET to update the formula results A #+TBLFM line will be added below the table

Edit formulas using either: C-c ' or SPC m b f in Doom Emacs

Column formulas are a thing! Simply reference the column like $3=formula()

Using Calc
Grade 1Grade 2Avg Grade
Using Emacs Lisp

Start a formula by prepending a single quote to it ' Append ;N so referenced elements are numbers

Score 1Score 2Total Score


Start a new header with TODO Insert a new TODO header after subtree M-S-RET

Toggle between states with RET More toggling options: SPC m t

See all todos: SPC m T

Priorities: S-up S-down on a task to set priority, or: SPC m p p [priority] with priority going from A to C


SPC m q to set tag on any headline (or enter :tag: manually) SPC o a m to search with tags in org-agenda


Open: SPC o A Put file in front of agenda: C-c [ Add SCHEDULED: SPC m d s Add DEADLINE: SPC m d d List of tasks: SPC o a t

Special symbols

Supports LaTeX and HTML

\alpha, \beta, \omega

C-c C-x \ (org-toggle-pretty-entities) to display entities as UTF-8 characters

Sort headings / tasks / list

Use org-sort-entries Can sort by priority, alphabetical order, etc…



"Babel is Org-mode's ability to execute source code within Org-mode documents."


return 6 * 7

Run code using RET or C-c C-c

Supported languages


Edit code more easily

SPC m ' or C-c ' to open a buffer to edit the code more easily

Using Sessions


a = 5
a * 2

External Variables

From Previous Result

6 * 2
x * 2

From Table

(length table)
tl + 1

Exporting Results

https://orgmode.org/manual/Exporting-Code-Blocks.html By default, results aren't exported (to .html, .pdf…). To have either code, results or both/none exported: Insert :exports code/results/both/none in the header arguments. Example with both: #+property: header-args :exports both

Display Results

https://orgmode.org/manual/Results-of-Evaluation.html :results value: default for most languages, display the "return" of a function :results verbatim: does not try to format result in a list or table :results output: display the output of stdout

Wrap Results

:wrap {type} {language} to wrap the results "block" to be of a custom type and language Example:

puts "2022-09-01 price XGRO 22.55 CAD"
2022-09-01 price XGRO 22.55 CAD

Extracting Source Code

https://orgmode.org/manual/Extracting-Source-Code.html Insert :tangle yes in the header arguments. You may need to C-c C-c that line to update the file settings. Press C-c C-v t to "tangle" the file (extract source code from .org file).

To tangle every code block in a file, place this in the document headers: #+property: header-args :tangle {filename}

Reference Other Code Blocks

https://orgmode.org/manual/Noweb-Reference-Syntax.html Source code blocks can include references to other source code blocks, using a noweb style syntax: <<CODE-BLOCK-ID>>



<<range>>.sum gets expanded to (1..5).to_a.sum so you can't mix languages


It's possible to have code on one-line only: 2+3 {{{results(5)}}}

But no syntax highlighting…


https://orgmode.org/manual/Paragraphs.html Paragraphs are separated by at least one empty line. If you need to enforce a line break within a paragraph, use ‘\\’ at the end of a line.


Preserves line breaks, indentation, blank lines… Can be used to format poetry.

Great clouds overhead
Tiny black birds rise and fall
Snow covers Emacs



Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler —Albert Einstein


Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler


https://github.com/dfeich/org-babel-examples/blob/master/calc/calc.org https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/calc.html Suggestion for shortcuts to add to Doom Emacs: https://hungyi.net/posts/emacs-calculate-while-you-write/

Calc formulas, all you need to know | Inside Emacs #6 (part 12) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afsBtpEfoG4

in Org Babel

1 + 1

in Emacs Lisp

(calc-eval "2 + 2")

Embedded Mode

5 + 5

Place en empty line above and below a calculation, run C-x * e and Calc will run the calculation and return the result

in Tables

Grade 1Grade 2Mean




SPC n j j add new entry

=C-c C-f=  go to the next journal file =C-c C-b= go to the previous journal file

=C-c C-j= insert a new entry into the current journal file (creates the file if not present)

=C-c C-s= search the journal for a string

Org Capture

https://orgmode.org/manual/Capture-templates.html#Capture-templates http://www.howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/capturing-intro.html

SPC n n or SPC X capture new todo/note…



SPC n r r open/close Roam SPC n r c capture note




Can use $...$, $$..$$, \(...\), \[...\] as inline math delimiters.

For multiline:

\[\begin{equation} x=\sqrt{a} \end{equation} \]

Press RET to preview / undo preview (or C-c C-x C-l in the barbaric Emacs way).

More config: https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/9h44lk/i_can_finally_preview_latex_in_orgmode_took_me/

Export to PDF

SPC m e or C-c C-e to open export dispatch

l p Export as LaTeX file and convert it to PDF file l o Export as LaTeX file and convert it to PDF, then open the PDF using the default viewer

Preview Formatting


Adjust org-format-latex-options, in particular scale


https://plantuml.com/emacs https://github.com/dfeich/org-babel-examples/blob/master/plantuml/plantuml-babel.org

(setq org-plantuml-jar-path (expand-file-name "~/.config/plantuml/plantuml.jar"))
title Authentication Sequence

Alice->Bob: Authentication Request
note right of Bob: Bob thinks about it
Bob->Alice: Authentication Response


(setq org-ditaa-jar-path (expand-file-name "~/.config/ditaa/ditaa.jar"))
+--------+   +-------+    +-------+
|        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
|  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
|Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
|     {d}|   |       |    |       |
+---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
    :                         ^
    |       Lots of work      |


Org-Mode Reference Card: https://orgmode.org/worg/orgcard.html

Org Mode Basics In Doom Emacs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34zODp_lhqg

Encryption: https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/encrypting-files.html

Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org Mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g9BcZvQbXU

Show a "table of contents": https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/9530/how-can-i-get-an-org-mode-outline-in-a-2nd-buffer-as-a-dynamic-table-of-contents

Extending org-mode to handle youtube links: https://bitspook.in/blog/extending-org-mode-to-handle-youtube-links/